The curriculum is more than just what happens in the classroom
At Honley, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Many of our students are involved in school activities after school, at weekends and during the holidays. In addition, numerous day visits support our curriculum.
Teams represent the school in many sports, some with a national reputation. Musical opportunities abound with choirs, bands and talent shows. Plays and musical events are performed regularly, and various clubs meet throughout the year.
We offer an amazing array of academic support, sporting activities, and clubs. Clubs start the second week back, are shared with students in form time, and are displayed in the Heads of Year corridor—we hope there will be something for everyone.
Students attending PE clubs must remember to bring their kit!
After-school clubs run from 2.50pm to 3.50pm and a late bus is available at 4.00pm for students who attend an activity and have a bus pass.
Please note there are no after-school activities on Wednesdays and no late bus.
We are delighted to offer our students the opportunity to participate in visits to European countries, including language, Science, Sports, and History visits. We are particularly excited to have reintroduced our whole year group PGL trip to Bude, which will take place next year for our current Year 7 students.
In addition to offering the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award to our Cadets, this year, we are excited to offer our Year 9’s this fantastic opportunity!
Doing DofE is a brilliant way for your young person to discover just how much they are capable of. It gives young people the chance to make new friends, follow their passions, learn new skills and make a difference in our community. Gaining a DofE Award is a great way to impress employers too.
It’s also non-competitive and a powerful way for every young person to build belief in themselves, whatever their background, interests and abilities.
We are the only school in Kirklees with a Cadet Unit!
Following the successful introduction of our Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Unit in 2019, we now have over 80 students enrolled across Years 8 to 11.
Cadets participate in a wide range of activities, including drill training, first aid, fieldcraft and expeditions, aimed at developing personal responsibility, leadership and self-discipline. They are also expected to complete their Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Students in Year 11 also have the chance to take part in the National Citizenship Service (NCS) during the summer which is run through the Huddersfield Community Trust.
‘NCS brings together young people from different backgrounds and helps them develop greater confidence, self-awareness and responsibility. It encourages personal and social development by working on skills like leadership, teamwork and communication.
Participants develop a social action project to deal with a local issue they’re passionate about, and spend 30 hours putting the project into action in their community.’
This is an excellent opportunity for students to be involved in a range of activities to build on their skills for work and life while taking on new challenges and meeting new friends.