In addition to offering the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to our Cadets this year, we are delighted to offer our Year 9’s this fantastic opportunity!
Why do DofE?
Completing DofE is a brilliant way for young people to discover just how much they are capable of. It allows them to make new friends, follow their passions, learn new skills and make a difference in our community. Gaining a DofE Award is also a great way to impress employers!
Additionally, it’s a non-competitive and powerful way for every young person to build belief in themselves, whatever their background, interests and abilities.
How it works
There are three award levels:
To achieve each award, students must complete four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and the Expedition [add Residential for Gold].
Students can choose what they would like to do for the first three sections, and we will provide all the guidance and support they need.
The Expedition involves spending two days and one night in the countryside, and again, we’ll ensure our young people are fully prepared for it.
Due to the fantastic uptake, we run two groups who train every other Tuesday after school from 2.50pm to 3.50pm (students are allocated A or B weeks).
The enrolment cost is £70, and the expedition is an additional cost in the region of £20 (payable nearer the time).
We can provide some financial support, including, but not limited to, students on free school meals and pupil premium recipients. If the cost is prohibitive, please contact Miss Nash, as we may be able to help.
Next steps
If your child has been allocated a place, please ensure the enrolment form is completed and returned to Student Services by Wednesday, 18 December 2024. The enrolment fee must then be paid by noon on Tuesday, 7 January 2025. Payment is non-refundable.
You can find more information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on their website DofE - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.