Contact Us
The school switchboard is operated from 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.00am to 4.00pm on Fridays during term time. Please bear in mind that the majority of our staff will be teaching or on duty between 8.15am to 2.55pm, and an email is often the easiest method of contact. We endeavour to reply to emails within 48 hours (working days).
Staff emails follow the set up of inital.surname@honley.tlt.school e.g. Mr J Bloggs - j.bloggs@honley.tlt.school. A full list of staff contact details can be found below.
Recommended staff to contact for queries:
Form Tutor - your child’s day / pastoral support. Please find below the list of Form Tutors for 2024/25
Subject Teacher - a particular subject. Please see the full staff list below
Designated Safeguarding Officer - any safeguarding concerns
Data - to update your contact details
Exams- information on exams and certificates
Finance - ParentPay (school meals) and trip payments
Welfare - for any medical or dietary needs
Should you wish to meet with a member of staff, please contact them in advance to make an appointment.
If you are unsure who to contact, please check the list below or email office@honley.tlt.school and a member of our office team will be happy to help you.