This section deals exclusively with Governing Body matters. It outlines the governor's role and shows you how we support the Head of School and staff team.
Effective governance makes good schools great. As part of Together Learning Trust, the trust board is accountable for our school and committed to ensuring that every staff member can flourish and that every child receives excellent education and care. They work closely with school leaders, local governing committees and school communities. Collaboration and accountability are hard-wired into our structure - find out more on the Together Learning Trust website.
Honley’s Local Governing Committee includes a mixture of staff, parents, local authorities and co-opted members who bring various skills to the table. The full governing body meets four times per year.
Governors play an important part in the leadership of Honley High School, and our role is strategic. Our key functions are:
Setting the strategic vision aims and objectives of the school
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
We offer support, constructive advice, and a second opinion, but we also challenge, ask questions, and seek information so that we can effectively monitor school performance and development.
In addition to these statutory duties, Governors are involved in a wide variety of other things, either through formal governor committees, visits into school, and personal involvement with the day-to-day life of the school.
The Governing Body meets once every term and provides representation from parents, the community, and staff.
All of our governors are fully invested in Honley High, many of them having been educated or having their children educated at the school. The capacity and skills of the Governing Body are regularly reviewed to ensure that we are doing the best for the school. Each Governor serves 4 years in office.
We currently have two vacancies for a Parent Governor and a Co-opted Governor. If you would like to know more about these roles, please email Mrs Nicola Pogmore, PA to SLT (n.pogmore@honley.tlt.school).
Our work is conducted through Governing Body meetings and by visiting the school on a formal and informal basis.
Each individual governor is a member of the full Governing Body which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body.
In addition, individual governors take a lead in specific areas such as Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Student Voice and Governor Training.
Alexandra Sands (Chair) - Careers Link
Owen Davies (Vice Chair) - Curriculum and Learning Link, and Vulnerable Pupils Link
Jonathan Green - Safeguarding and SEND Link
Neil Rickwood - Health and Safety, and Wellbeing Link
We also attend public events such as school Open Evening, school performances and concerts, sports events, Year 11 Graduation Evening and the annual Honley Awards Evening.
Most queries about the management of Honley High School and the progress of any individual child should be directed in the first instance to the school in the usual manner. However, any of us will be happy to answer any more general questions, particularly concerning the role of the Governing Body. Letters directed to us should be sent to the school Office or Clerk to the Governing Body at the school address, marked for our attention, or alternatively, you may email me via Mrs Nicola Pogmore (PA to SLT) at n.pogmore@honley.tlt.school.
Thank you
Alexandra Sands - Chair of Governors